17 DEC 2024  Delhi (prajaamaravati);

The Dr. Ambedkar Foundation is implementing various schemes/ programmes and activity for furthering the ideology and message of Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar across the country as well as abroad. Dr. Ambedkar Foundation is running the following schemes/ activity:


  1. Dr. Ambedkar Medical Aid Scheme,
  2. Dr. Ambedkar National Merit Awards for Secondary Examination,
  3. Dr. Ambedkar National Merit Award Scheme for Senior Secondary Examination,
  4. Dr. Ambedkar Scheme for Celebration of Birth/Death Anniversary of Great Saints;
  5. Scheme of Dr. Ambedkar Chairs;
  6. Celebration of Birth and observation of Death Anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in the Parliament House Lawns.


19 Dr. Ambedkar Chairs have been set up in various Central Universities across the country. The objective of the Scheme is as under:

  • Providing advanced centres of learning in the premier universities and educational institutes, where academicians, scholars and students would enrich and advance studies and research to understand, assess, disseminate and implementation of ideas and thoughts of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
  • Engaging in research and, in turn, contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this area of the study, particularly in the disciplines of Economics, Political Science, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Constitutional Studies, Education, Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work, Law, Human Rights as well as in other disciplines considered pertinent for the realization of our National Goal of Social Justice and Empowerment.
  • Conducting advanced research and teaching on the present and past of the deprived sections of Indian society to provide justice and empower them.
  • Conducting research and higher studies vis-à-vis the socio-economic and cultural aspects of the marginalized/oppressed groups or backward classes or weaker sections of the society.
  • Publishing the outcome of their research works in the form of scholarly articles in the peer-reviewed indexed journals from the UGC-CARE list and also as books published by reputed national and international publishers having a strong peer-review policy.
  • Developing proper methodologies to translate Dr. Ambedkar’s ideas of justice and empowerment into practical propositions and policy instruments for the upliftment of the disadvantaged sections of the Indian population.


This information was provided by UNION MINISTER OF STATE FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EMPOWERMENT, SHRI RAMDAS ATHAWALE, in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.
