nearly 40% people who are in critical edge

 Vijayawada 26th April  (prajaamaravathi);- Noora health and NHM Andhra Pradesh joined forces to enhance the capacity building of Maternal and child health care providers to create awareness among the family caregivers by giving quality health education through Care companion program. Staff nurses and counselors from 259 health facilities have been nominated for training to trainees sessions. A 3 days zonal wise training is provided to these nominated health personnels. The training focused on CCP (Care Companion program) aspects which provides scalable caregiving education and training within the established healthcare system; our model provides basic yet vital care knowledge through trusted providers. This model expands the care umbrella to include those closest to the patient- their family and community.

Care campaign program- Training to trainers was Inaugurated by Chief guest of honor M. T. Krishna babu sir IAS, Principal Secretary (Health); Guest of honor J. Nivas sir, Mission Director (NHM); Dr. Seema Murthy, Director (Noora health); Dr. Seema Kumar, Health specialist (UNICEF) with a lamp lighting ceremony. 

In his address, Shri M Tirumala Krishna babu IAS, Principal Secretary added that there are nearly 40% people who are in critical edge and who don’t have basic knowledge on immediate first aid and stabilization care. He addressed on Maternal and child health indicators where MMR is 97 in India and 45 in AP and IMR is 35 in India and 30 in AP, when compared to high performing states like Kerala where MMR is <20 and IMR is 6. He said that all the maternal health indicators should be decreased, and we should work on achieving SDG Goals. In order to achieve these goals there should be a healthy population, which can be achieved through improving the health of mothers and newborn. He emphasized the importance of family in caregiving. So when the family is educated then it will be easy to achieve the MCH goals. He further highlighted the importance of the care companion program concept where training will be given to the Staff nurses and counselors from different healthcare facilities including TH, AH, DH, CHC’s so that it reaches to the community level. These trained personnel will be master trainers who will train the family and caregivers in different and basic aspects of health which creates awareness among the family caregivers of the patients, So that mothers and family will be aware of the maternal and child  health complications. This will help in betterment of Maternal and child health and decreasing the Maternal and child health indicators. Noora health is providing different posters, videos, manuals and tools for educating regarding breast feeding, anemia, and high risk pregnancy at outreach level through care companion program. He directed that all the trained MLHP’s should visit every house in all the villages to train the mothers and caregivers. This subsequently improves the health of mothers and children through effective health education which is being provided by Noora health through CCP.

Shri J. Nivas, Mission director NHM stated the importance of family caregiver in improving the health of patients and when the government is looking to implement this concept, Noora health team came up with the idea of Care Companion Program (CCP). He stated that CCP is the first program in the country which gives training to the community in large scale in a structured manner with its focus on different components of Maternal and Child care like Nutrition, Breast feeding, Community engagement, Communication aspects and awareness on high risk pregnancy. He added Noora Health had taken a good initiative in improving the Maternal and child health care which is very important component in health sector. He said that CCP Sessions should be done daily in OP in every hospital where CCP is initiated. He indeed added that there will also be facility based training regarding CCP to all the staff nurses and counselors in the hospital. He in turn added that there are 10000+ MLHP’s being trained for one day, so that CCP reaches to community as well. 
