Release of Publication “Payroll Reporting in India: An Employment Perspective –November, 2024”.


Release of Publication “Payroll Reporting in India: An Employment Perspective –November, 2024”

 24 JAN 2025  Delhi (prajaamaravati);

Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation is releasing the employment related statistics in the formal sector covering the period September 2017 onwards, using information on the number of subscribers who have subscribed under three major schemes, namely the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) Scheme, the Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Scheme and the National Pension Scheme (NPS).

The full report can be accessed at: Payroll Reporting in India An Employment Perspective – November, 2024.pdf

Employees’ Provident Funds Scheme:

The total number of new EPF subscribers during the month of November, 2024 is 8,74,420 which was 7,86,196 during the month of October, 2024.


Employees’ State Insurance Scheme:

The newly registered employees and paying contribution under the ESI scheme during the month of November, 2024 is 11,82,501 which was 13,07,888 during the month of October, 2024.


National Pension Scheme (NPS):

During November 2024, the NPS recorded a total of 40,920 new contributing subscribers which was 64,977 during the month of October, 2024.
