Central rules for the Vinayakachavithi festival celebrated across the country

 - Central rules for the Vinayakachavithi festival celebrated across the country

 - BJP politics by blocking the gods

 - Rust and pulses accustomed to cadaver politics

 - We strive to protect the beliefs of all

 - Celebrate Vinayakachavithi festival near home

 - Minister of State for Civil Supplies Kodali Nani

 Amravati, September 7 (prajaamaravati): The Vinayakachavithi festival is celebrated all over the country and is not a matter for the state of Andhra Pradesh alone, said Kodali Sri Venkateswara Rao (Nani), Minister of State for Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs.  Minister Kodali Nani, who arrived at the secretariat on Tuesday, spoke to the media.  For the past two years, there has been a ban on public tents, setting up of idols and holding processions in honor of the Vinayakachavithi festival.  Covid expressed concern that many lives have been lost in the state due to this.  He said that many people are still suffering from many health problems.  He said if the Vinayaka Chaviti festival was celebrated in public on the roads, more people would gather.  Covid, on the other hand, has to be regulated and covid has brought in some regulations with the intention that this will be a way to expand.  According to those regulations, it was said to be celebrated here as in the neighboring states.  The BJP is looking to block the gods and politicize the pub.  Some people are working under Somu Veerraju to block the Kashaya color and god figures and get positions politically.  He said the people had taught the BJP a lesson in the Tirupati elections but they had not yet come to their senses.  To Somu Veerraju, the people of the state will say to those who want to politicize by putting idols of God in the BJP.  He said it didn’t need to be taken lightly. He said that 10 per cent of the people near the Vinayakachavithi tents should also be with the BJP, which is a party that has been removed.  He said there was no need to discuss BJP and Somu Veerraju in Andhra Pradesh.  He said that when it comes to the Telugu Desam party, it is a special situation for the party leaders.  Chandrababu wanted corpses.  If the BJP tries to politicize by blocking the gods, Chandrababu wants a corpse every day.  Rust and pulses Chandrababu and Lokesh are waiting to find the body.  Wherever murder, rape or corpse is found, it is customary to seize it and do cadaver politics.  Chandrababu says that Vinayakachavithi can be celebrated in public on the road.  Unfortunately, if the Corona Third Wave comes and booms, the same Chandrababu will curse CM Jaganmohan Reddy for giving permission to Vinayakachavithi at will without any restrictions.  In view of all this, the people of the state are vigilant and ready.  People will say to Chandrababu, the Telugu Desam Party in the Opposition and the BJP at the Center.  Covid, who has been the chief minister of the state for 14 years, said he was talking about the Vinayakachavithi festival being celebrated exclusively in Andhra Pradesh as per the rules.  CM Jaganmohan Reddy, DGP and some other Christians said that Chandrababu, who has been bringing castes and religions into politics and behaving in a vile manner, will be reprimanded again in the coming days.  He said the beliefs of all castes, religions and everyone in the state were important to the state government, YSR Congress party and CM Jaganmohan Reddy.  He said that we are working hard to protect the beliefs of all.  He said people's lives need to be taken into account during difficult times.  Minister Kodali Nani has appealed to celebrate the Vinayakachavithi festival near their homes without heeding their words.
