A 'JVK Quality Wall' should be established in every mandal.

 *Govt  Of Andhra Pradesh*

*Department of School Education – Samagra shiksha*

Amaravati (prajaamaravathi);

*A 'JVK Quality Wall' should be established in every mandal*

• Shri Praveen Prakash garu , Principal Secretary, School Education Department, reviewed the higher officials of the Department of Education and Samagra shiksha.

• Prepare route map to reach schools from mandal stock point

• JVK kits with quality standards should be supplied to schools from May 30

Shri Praveen Prakash garu, Principal Secretary of the School Education Department said that the route map should be prepared in advance to provide the school kits to the schools from the mandal stock point of Jagananna Vidyakanuka, and the supply to the schools should start from 30th of this month. On Friday, shri Praveen Prakash garu, Principal Secretary of the School Education Department reviewed the supply of Jagananna Vidyakanuka with the officials of the School Education Department and Samagra shiksha. Along with checking the quality of each item, steps have been taken to ensure that every student gets a complete kit at the field level by the time the schools open.

*A route map should be prepared*

As of Thursday (11.05.23), 1,47,238 bags, 26,55,075 note books, 2,18,367 shoes, 9,21,796 uniforms, 4,01,762 belts and 4,62,069 dictionaries have reached the mandal stock points. Regarding Semester 1, 3.54 crore textbooks, 1.94 crore textbooks have been sent to district centers and from there 1.24 crore textbooks have been sent to mandal stock points. He said that in transit, there are 4,94,752 bags, 17,57,697 note books, 6,07,129 shoes, 5,44,956 uniforms, and 2,95,951 belts. 

 He asked to take care in receiving goods from suppliers, counting of goods, maintaining stock register, quality checks near Mandal stock point. He said that the best things will be provided to the students. He said that a 'quality wall' should be set up at the stock point of each mandal by the 30th of this month. Also, details of items received and rejected from the suppliers should be signed in the delivery challans by the mandal education department and uploaded on the Jagananna Vidyakanuka app. He said that damaged and defective items should be replaced immediately. They want to make a route map to provide school kit from mandal stock point to school.

It is suggested that if everyone works in coordination at their respective levels, the work load will be reduced and there should be continuous monitoring of the status of delivery at the mandal level. He said that state and district level officials should cooperate when inspections come. In this meeting Shri B.Srinivasa Rao, State Project Director of  Samagra shiksha and other high officials participated.

